Pet Rescue Saga 10 tips

Pet Rescue Saga is easily just as addicting as [Candy Crush]( and has the ability to make your life's goal to save all the cute pets from the animal snatchers. If that sounds like an addiction you're familiar with, you've come to the right place! Here are the best tips, tricks, and cheats I've found when it comes to not only beating levels in Pet Rescue Saga, but obliterating them!

In most levels, your number one objective should be saving your pets. This means paying attention to where they are on the board and making your main goal to move them down as fast as you can. Avoid them standing on single colored blocks that can't be paired with anything around it. In order to do this, you'll need to think a move or two ahead. Look at what blocks they're standing on and make every attempt to make sure they're standing on a stack that can quickly be tapped away when you get to the bottom in order to free them. The less blocks you have, the harder this becomes, so plan for it early on.
This somewhat goes with step one but can be applied to any level, pets present or not. Planning moves not only helps you clear levels faster, it also increases your overall score. I've found that in most levels, working from the bottom up is the best bet. Pay attention to what's on top and clear opposite colors on the bottom. This way, those top blocks have a better chance of coming down on like colors that you can then easily clear.
My favorite boosters are Color Pop and the Block Buster. I've only ever actually paid for the Block Buster as I find myself getting Color Pops for free quite often, especially if I come back after not playing for several days. The tip to using either of them are to wait until you really need them. If you're planning a few moves in advance, you should know whether or not you'll need them.
In my experience, wait to use a booster until you're towards the end of the level and have no other option to clear a particularly troublesome color or individual block. Sometimes it can make a difference between clearing a level or not. pet rescue saga, pet rescue saga hack, pet rescue saga cheats, pet rescue saga generator, pet rescue saga free gold, pet rescue saga gold generator, pet rescue saga gold and lives generator, pet rescue saga free lives, pet rescue saga free gold bars, how to hackpet rescue saga, how to cheat pet rescue saga, pet rescue saga generator 2019, pet rescue saga gold generator 2019
